Cait Kontalis

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One-Week Itinerary in Rome

It’s impossible to see a place like Rome in only a week – but sometimes that’s all we have. Here are a few of my “must-do” items for visiting Roma. After all – When in Rome!

Colosseum – From the Outside

I know this is controversial, but I think you will have just as good of an experience walking around the outside of the Colosseum as you will inside. I say this because the lines to get inside are massive. If you only have a week in Rome, I would save your time and just enjoy the outside views and add more sightseeing to your itinerary. There truly isn’t all that much on the inside besides a big pit and mud.

Take a Cooking Class

I loooooove taking cooking classes on my travels. It’s a great way to connect with locals and get a real look at life. For our cooking class in Italy, we used Airbnb Experiences and took a train to the beautiful suburban town of Frascati. However, there are plenty of classes within Rome itself. It’s so much fun to see your pasta prepared from start to finish, and enjoy a glass of Italian wine with your hosts when you’re finished!

Visit Vatican City

You have to visit Vatican City. I almost did not go – and who I am today would have regretted it. The experience is incredible. Most importantly, book your tickets ahead of time at least a few days before you’re planning on going. This will save you from standing in yet another massive tourist line. Also! Don’t eat anything near Vatican City. It’s extremely overpriced and not authentic. Learn more about visiting Vatican City >>

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Drink a Cappuccino from the Tram Depot

The Tram Depot is an absolutely adorable outdoor cafe in the heart of Rome. One of my favorite bloggers, An American in Rome, always seemed to be hanging out here, so I knew I had to give it a try. The quaint outdoor seating alongside the hustle and bustle of the city provides a beautiful, contemplative juxtaposition to the world speeding by. I remember enjoying my cappuccino and croissant, people watching, and feeling recharged for the first time in days. Tram Depot remains my favorite cafe in the world – so far. Read more about my favorite coffee shops around the world >>

Take a Day Trip to Pompeii

There are a few options for getting to Pompeii from Rome. You can take a train to Naples, and then catch a shuttle or taxi to Pompeii. There are also numerous tour-operated buses you can take either just for transportation or for a full tour. I used Greenline Tours and had a pleasant experience – however I would have enjoyed more time at the actual site. Be sure to grab. a slice of the famous Neapolitan pizza either before or after your visit! Learn more about visiting Pompeii >>

Try To-Go Pizza

One of the coolest things about Rome was how they served pizza. It wasn’t in slices! You picked out a square piece from a vendor, and then he folds it up for you like the above photo. I felt like a real local snacking on my lunch as I explored the city.

Swing by Trevi Fountain Early

I mean…you have to go here, right? Yes, you do. The Trevi Fountain is in a much more hidden area than I expected. You have to wander through the winding streets a bit. It’s going to be packed with people no matter when you go, but the earlier the better!

Enjoy Gourmet Hot Chocolate at SAID dal 1923

End a night of exploring by grabbing gourmet hot chocolate from SAID dal 1923. You can either stop by for dessert, or enjoy a whole meal. This place was truly unique and. a great spot for picking up souvenirs for friends and family

Read more about Italy >>