Step-by-Step Guide: Planning Your Visit to Hitler's Eagle's Nest

Hitler's Eagle's Nest

Nestled high in the Bavarian Alps, Hitler's Eagle's Nest, also known as the Kehlsteinhaus, is a symbol of a bygone era that continues to intrigue history buffs and travelers alike.

If you're planning a visit to this historical landmark, this step-by-step guide will help you navigate your journey smoothly.

Research and Plan Your Trip

Before you embark on your journey, it's essential to do some research. The Eagle's Nest is open from mid-May to the end of October. It is unaccessible during the winter due to a high chance of avalanche in the area.

Book Your Tickets Online

To avoid long queues, book your tickets online in advance. This includes a bus ride from the documentation center at Obersalzberg to the summit. I'd suggest allowing yourself 2 full hours from your bus's departure to your return.

Keep in mind that individual visitors cannot drive up to the Eagle's Nest.

Getting There

The Eagle's Nest is located near Berchtesgaden, a town in southern Germany. The nearest major city is Munich, approximately two hours away by car. There is paid parking available, but you can also take a train or local bus to the Eagle's Nest bus pick-up area.

The Bus Ride

From the documentation center, you'll board a specially equipped bus that takes you up a steep and winding road to the Eagle's Nest. The bus has special brakes to keep visitors safe on these steep and narrow roads. Rest easy as you enjoy the breathtaking views as the bus ascends the mountain!

View from the Eagle's Nest

The Golden Elevator

Once the bus reaches the top, you'll take a 124-meter brass-lined elevator directly into the Eagle's Nest. This remarkable piece of engineering is still in its original state from the 1940s.

Exploring the Eagle's Nest

At the top, you can explore the building and its surroundings. Take a walk around to enjoy panoramic views of the Alps. Don't forget to visit the restaurant for a meal with a historical backdrop.

Return Journey

When you're ready to leave, simply take the elevator down and catch the bus back to the documentation center. Allow yourself 10-15 minutes to get back to the bus stop, as lines for the elevator can get quite long.


Visiting Hitler's Eagle's Nest is a unique journey through history. With careful planning and an appreciation for the past, you can ensure a memorable and enlightening experience.

Remember, while the Eagle's Nest is an attraction today, it's also a reminder of a dark chapter in human history. As you explore, take a moment to reflect on the lessons learned from that era.

Cait Kontalis

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