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About Cait
Hi! I’m Cait. The most important thing in my life is travel. I firmly believe that the more people travel, the better global citizens we will become. I sincerely hope my experiences inspire you to book that flight and catch the travel bug.
I’ve visited over one-hundred destinations and am on my way to see as much of the world as I can. I hold a Masters's degree in Nonprofit Management and Leadership and have worked in the nonprofit marketing world for over seven years.
I am a freelance travel and tourism writer, and I am open to taking on new clients. Send me a message if you’re looking for a writer.
This month, I hit three full years as a full-time freelance writer. The majority of that time has been covering a variety of travel topics. Whether off-shore fishing in Rhode Island or bathing in the thermal baths of Iceland, from the outside, my life looks like an endless string of vacations.