Cait Kontalis

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How to Get to the Venice Airport from Venice

I've decided to write a blog post on how to get to the main Venice Airport (Marco Polo) because I made the error of going to the wrong airport on my recent trip to Italy. Yes – there is a second airport called Treviso, and I "oh so smartly" ended up there after many times getting to Marco Polo correctly.

Not to fear – ending up at the correct airport is actually very simple. But if you do find yourself at the wrong one, they are only a 20-minute cab ride apart (but a pricey cab!).

Let's take a look at how to get to and from Marco Polo Airport in the main area of Venice.

Vaporetto (Water Taxi)

Marco Polo to Venice Water Taxi

There are a few ways to get into Venice from Marco Polo Airport. The most common and probably the easiest is by water taxi. You can find these right when you exit baggage claim. They will be clearly marked and easy to spot.

The cost of a water taxi is around 100 euros, which may seem like a lot at first. But when you factor in that it can hold up to 10 people, it's not too bad. And it's definitely the most convenient way to get into Venice.

You can book a water taxi transfer ahead of time here.

Venice to Marco Polo Water Taxi

Getting from Venice to Marco Polo is just as easy as getting there. You can find water taxis right near major hotels and attractions. They will be clearly marked and easy to spot.

Catch a Taxi

Taxis are another option for getting to and from Marco Polo Airport. They are more expensive than water taxis, but they are also faster. A taxi from the airport to Venice will cost around 150 euros.

To get a taxi from Venice to Marco Polo, you can find them near major hotels and attractions. Taxi stands are clearly marked and easy to spot.

Taxis are a convenient option if you're in a hurry or if you have a lot of luggage. But they are more expensive than the water taxi, so keep that in mind.

Train to Shuttle Bus

The most cost-effective option is the train to a shuttle bus. Of the four times, I've done this ride, I've gotten it right 3/4!

Take the local train to the Venice Mestre train station. Upon arrival, make your way to the exit. When you exit the train station, turn right and keep walking for about 3-5 minutes. You will come across a bus station. Here, you will see a sign for the ATVO airport shuttle. You can purchase your 10 Euro ticket in advance here. Or, book a bus ticket via GetYourGuide here.

Now – this is the key moment. Before boarding the shuttle, ask the ticket attendant if it is going to Marco Polo airport. You are most likely flying out of Marco Polo, but they do offer shuttle services to Treviso.

Do not simply ask "airport?" as I made the mistake of doing. Specify Marco Polo.

Seriously, that is all you have to do, and you will save yourself from the panic of attending up at the wrong airport!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, there are a few ways to get from Marco Polo Airport to Venice and vice versa. The most common and easiest way is by water taxi. Taxis are also an option, but they are more expensive. The most cost-effective option is the train to shuttle bus, but you have to make sure you get on the right shuttle. Asking the attendant if the shuttle is going to Marco Polo Airport before boarding is key!